So, two months could be equivalent to 59 (January + February) days, 61 (March + April) days, 62 (July + August) days and even 60 (February leap year + March) days for leap year. Some months contain 28 days, some 30 and 31 for regular years. Because, the length of all the months (length means days) is not the same. But when you calculate month from day, then there is conflict. This calculates right up to day calculation. Then from the time span, calculate days, from days calculate months, and from months or days calculate years. In most of the solutions for this problem, I found that the difference is calculated by the following procedure:įirst calculate ‘ TimeSpan’ from difference between two dates.

I realize that there should be something to calculate duration between two dates and give output in years, months and days together. Most of the calculators give output either in years or in months or in weeks or in days and so on and even in milliseconds, but not all the information together. It can be defined as Age Calculator which is able to give any one’s exact age in years, months and days.īut unfortunately I didn't find exactly what I was looking for. I was looking for a Duration calculator between two dates which gives duration in number of years, number of months and number of days together.